Monday, January 23, 2012

Page 154 Quiz

Website B presents a better visual impression because it is a cleaner layout. There is a navigation menu down the left side and corresponding links across the bottom. Website A seems a little all over the place with huge buttons down the middle of the page that a user would have to scroll to see the rest. There is also a broken image link on the bottom left.
Problem with A: Navigation buttons down the middle
Solution with B: Navigation menu on left side

Problem with A: Big clickable buttons
Solution with B: Smaller clickable buttons consolidated on left side menu

Problem with A: Lacks site intention
Solution with B: Site description in paragraph form below site logo

Problem with A: Broken image link
Solution with B: All images shown, no broken links

Problem with A: Hard to read
Solution with B: Very easy to read because the text is formatted and structured.

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