Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh boy, it's a Quiz!

#1 Print, because not every stockholder could have a computer to view the reports. Also, I know when I view a printed report, I like to highlight, underline, and make notes on the paper for future reference.

#2 Web, because post the portfolio online for everyone to see and it gives them the option to be able to print it out if they choose. It also would allow far more people to view the site then sending out printed material. If I really wanted to grab people's attention, I would print up a huge lot of business cards with just the web site's address on them and hand them to everyone executive I see, and leave them in several establishments.

#3 Web, because I can host the updates online for faster distribution. All the customer has to do is to click the link to download the updates.

#4 Web, because print would take too long and cost too much to continually update, print and ship. Also by the time changes are made and shipped, new changes could already be needed, thus making the previous material outdated. Posting secured files online or emailing them directly is vastly cheeper.

#5 Web, becuase depending on the size of the material, printing a chap book would still cost too much, were as posting to the web allows the reader to download and print the material if they choose.

#6 Print, because it allows you to keep all the detail in your the work to be admired. Also if the work is too big, the book would have to be bigger in size and on the web this would require scroll bars that would not allow the viewer to bask in the works full intended glory.

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