Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The song remains the same. Not.

If you final project didn't differ from the initial story boards, then you are a better person than I. I believe the story boards are to be used as guidelines for the final product and as always are subject to change. The color scheme basically stayed the same as did the layout. But as I was creating the site, more ideas started popping into my head as what I wanted to do. One thing I want to change is to create a site banner for the top of the page. Instead of having text next a jpeg, I want to make it all one jpeg/gif in Photoshop. And as the first site was different from the second, so was the storyboards drastically different from the second site. I really created the second site to get a different view and maybe more ideas as to what I wanted to use for the fist site. Again, I have my work cut out.

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