Tuesday, February 14, 2012

One of these things is not like the other.

Creating the two sites was an interesting challenge. I knew the second site would be easier because I had already done most of the hard work with the creation of the first site. Upon creating the second site on Wix.com, it really was just a matter of copy/paste most of the information. It took me several hours to get the first site the way I wanted it with having to edit the template and I'm still not fully done. I'll use the first site created for now, but ultimately I want to recreate it again from scratch and not use a template. The template creates too much bloat in the HTML code. I also want to obtain the proper Ganster logo's from Shihan Ganster so I can properly implement them on the site. The original site has them, but not in the original size and not the unedited versions.
Using the Wix.com site for the second site creation was a breeze. However to create it like the first one would have taken just as much time if not more. Once I got use to the Wix .com interface, creation of the second site went even faster. In some ways I like the second site came out and navigates over the first site. But again, I'd rather create the site from the ground up and without the use of templates. So I have my work cut out.

Link to second site.

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